Evans Body Gym

People Quit Working Out Because of Four Reasons

People Quit Working Out Because of Four Reasons

  1. It’s too much hassle going to a gym.
  2. Going to the gym and being looked at is embarrassing.
  3. Gym costs are increasing.
  4. They don’t understand how to work out and get their desired benefits.


Don’t work out in a gym. You don’t need to; you can get the same benefits and much more.

You won’t be embarrassed working out in your front room or even the bedroom. Hmm, even the bathroom.

Check out the costs of the Body Gym program compared to your local gym. It’s no contest.

Professionals will teach you, and soon you’ll know exactly why exactly why the four, 15 exercise workouts include the 60 main human movements. At the gym, do they talk about the 60 human movements? No! They don’t know about them, and there’s no gym in the world covering the basic 60 movements of the body. So, which one would you leave out? If you’re not performing these exercises, you’re leaving them out.

Doing all 60 movements gives your body strength, an aerobic workout, and stretching simultaneously. It balances out your body. Have you heard of football players “blowing a hammy”? That means they tore the muscle in the back of your leg, the hamstrings, because they worked on the front of the legs without balancing the strength.

The exercises take less than 30 minutes and are performed three times per week to get maximum muscle growth. Remember that muscle keeps you looking trim, slim, and out to win. Each pound of adult muscle burns an additional 75-100 kcal of energy while you’re sleeping. So, gain ten pounds of muscle, and your body burns an extra 750-1000 kcal of weight daily. That means you can keep it off.


Start your strong and healthy journey with Evans Body Gym.


Start your strong and healthy journey with Evans Body Gym with your 14-day free trial

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