Evans Body Gym

Start Your Fitness Journey with our 14-Day Free Trial



Effective Fat-Loss

Body Gym is unexcelled in removing fat from the body while stimulating maximum muscle growth. Regular diets reduce weight loss from muscle, blood, and organs as well as from fat. Recent research revealed that every additional pound of adult muscle burns an extra 50-100 calories daily, even at rest. Thus, a person can burn 500-1000 extra calories daily, at rest, by adding approximately 10 pounds of muscle.

Fastest and Most Complete Toning Program

Autotonic means self-generated tension. Each exercise is scientifically designed to use opposing muscle to create maximum tension and muscle resistance. Since each exercise requires contralateral resistance, there are two muscle movements for each exercise, which cuts the workout time in half and builds muscle faster.

Body Gym workout produces more tension and builds muscle faster and better than weights and barbells. This is because the resistance is direct, rotary, automatically variable, balanced, and involves positive and negative work, stretching, pre-stretching, unlimited speed of movement, full range of motion, and the resistance is in a position of full contraction.

Total Fitness Program

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends a total fitness program includes resistance, aerobic, and flexibility training. Body Gym produces a complete workout in just three workouts per week, lasting about 30 minutes, in your own home, covers all 60 basic body movements, and gives proper aerobic, strengthening, and flexibility conditioning.

Each exercise works several areas of the body at once, especially the abs, because you’re using your own body as the machine.

No other barbell or machine will work all 60 basic movements without stressfully adapting their regimen.

A well-conditioned, balanced body workout will reduce injuries and propel the body to more useable strength. It is also harder to have injuries using Body Gym Autotonic Exercise Workout because you produce the resistance and know when to stop or adapt the exercise.

Adapting to produce more increased resistance is also extremely easy.

Resistance Training

Body Gym promotes maximum strength and size gain if performed correctly. No other resistance program will do so much in so little time, with or without equipment.

Aerobic Effect

An aerobic effect is achieved as the exerciser reduces the time between exercises. Sine large muscle is involved and heart rate is quickly raised to target levels for an extended period, the person achieves significant cardiorespiratory benefits. Unlike other resistance training programs which purport circuit training effects, the Autotonic system allows the exerciser to move from exercise to exercise within a few seconds since there is no equipment to adjust. Therefore, the target heart rate is maintained.


Studies have shown that individuals engaging in resistance training show high levels of flexibility; likewise, Body Gym promotes a contraction of the agonists and an accompanying elongation of the contralateral muscles. In addition, the tension and resistance generated by the exercises give an inhibition of the stretch reflex, allowing greater stretching without injury.

Long Term Maintenance

Increasing lean body tissue results in a higher body metabolic rate because muscle tissue is up to 37.5 times more metabolically active than fatty tissue. Increasing the metabolic need by 500 to 1000 calories per day may resolve the long-term maintenance problem of most dieters.

Body Gym is so efficient at building and maintaining muscle tissue that only working out three times a week will create and sustain desired muscle-to-fat ratio.

Another advantage of Body Gym Autotonic Exercise Workout is the exercises can be effectively performed at home, in the office, on vacation, or even in the car while waiting for the light to change. In addition, no equipment is needed for a complete workout. Body Gym saves the cost of gyms, trainers, and expensive equipment. It’s a one-time investment in health!

Body Shaping and Sculpting

Body shape is dependent upon muscle-to-fat ratio. Trimming fat will reduce body contours. Stimulating muscle growth increases firmness, supports underlying fat and skin, flattens wrinkles and love handles, and controls posture.

Most exercise programs are not very effective in reshaping the body. Aerobics programs may reduce fat but do little to stimulate continued muscle growth, particularly in the upper body. Traditional resistance training programs require heavy barbells or expensive equipment, present a safety problem, require a significant investment of time, and are inefficient in burning fat.

Body Gym is for maximum body shaping. Since this system offers an actual circuit training effect, fat is effectively removed. At the same time, the exerciser stimulates the maximum growth of muscle for “perfect” shaping. Finally, because the body shaper can safely perform the exercises at home, Body Gym is available to everyone.


Anyone in normal health can safely use Body Gym. The exercises are smooth, slow, and non-impact in nature.

People with heart or lung conditions, arthritis, high blood pressure, or other contraindications should consult their doctor before engaging in this program. There are few contraindications to Body Gym Workout.


Body Gym exercises may be included with any sound diet for an entire body-shaping program. However, we recommend a diet containing all essential nutrients, sufficient calories to exercise, meal spacing, and food availability.

Easily Affordable

Body Gym fits almost everyone’s budget—the price is meager in terms of a lifetime improvement in health.

Results Guaranteed

We are so sure of your results that we unconditionally guarantee Body Gym. If you’re not completely satisfied, just let us know in the first 14 days, and we’ll be pleased to refund your money—No Questions Asked.


Start your strong and healthy journey with Evans Body Gym.


Start your strong and healthy journey with Evans Body Gym with your 14-day free trial